Runaway Indentured Servants and Slaves in the York County Court Records 25 February 1645/6 Whereas wm Keaton stands bound by Indenture to serve w[m] Hockaday the assigne of Henry Brooke the terme of five years from february 1641 and the sd Keaton absenting himselfe [from] his sd mr uppon ptence of being free from the sd Hock[aday] as alsoe that he ye sd Keaton did runn away from his sd m[r] June last to his great hinderence & damage The Court do[th] therefore order that the sd wm Keaton shall serve ye sd wm Hockaday till the 28th day of February next according [to] indenture, and for his running away and peremtory answea[re] the Cort in refuseing the performance of yere order herein the sherr shall forthwith cause ye sd Keaton to be whippt at the whipping post & to rec thirty lashes on his bare shoulders Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (2) 101. 25 September 1646 Whereas it appeareth to ye Court that Benjamin Hallyard servt. to Thomas Curtis hath divers tymes runn away to ye num and absented himselfe to the number of thirty dayes whereby it appears that the sd Thomas Curtis hath ben much damaged The Court doth therefore order that ye sd Benjamin Hallyard shall make good the sd Damage by Double the tyme of his [illeg] being absent in such servis as he shalbe imployed in by his master according to Act and also shall forthwith by the hands of the [illeg] receive twenty stripes on his bare shoulders [illeg] whipping post Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (2) 169. 20 October 1646 Whereas Edmund Smith hath in Cort confessed that he hath divers Saturdayes absented himselfe from the servis of mr John Chew being his covenant servant It is therefore ordered with the consent of ye sd Edmund Smith that he shall serve the sd mr John Chew twentyes longer then by covenant hee is bound in consideration of his neglect afforesd Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (2) 185. 30 November 1647 Whereas it appeareth to ye Court by sufficient proffe that James Pinor servant to Capt willm Taylor hath severall tymes absented himselfe from his mrs servis by runing away by wch meanes it appeareth that ye sd Capt Taylor was damnified by ye losse of many of his catle wch were comitted to ye Care & keeping of ye sd Pinor This Cort doth therefore order that the sd James Pinor shall according to act of Assembly in [the cause] pvided make the sd Capt willm Taylor satisfacon for his absenting himselfe from his servis by running away by serveing ye sd Capt Willm Taylor one Compleate yeare after he is free by his indenture or other covenant Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (2) 297.